For fans of the iconic, Empire Landmark Hotel, with its Space Age design, and revolving restaurant, it will come as sad (but inevitable) news that the last signs of the 1970s-era high-rise have been scraped clean. Over the last few months since our last update, crews have cleared the remainder of the rubble away, thereby making room for the construction of the 32- and 31-storey and Landmark on Robson

Landmark on Robson, site cleared for construction, image by Forum contributor Roundabout

Set to rise in its place, the two-tower, 300-unit, Landmark on Robson will deliver 32 and 31 storeys of residential space to the core. To be connected at their base via a multi-storey retail podium, with direct pedestrian access from Robson Street, the project will inject ample urban vibrancy into the already bustling downtown thoroughfare. 

Landmark on Robson, build site, image by Forum contributor Roundabout

Designed by Musson Cattell Mackey Partnerhip for Asia Standard International Group, Landmark on Robson will be a fine addition to the area, the project part and parcel of the core's never-ending reinvention. Featuring two (nearly) identical high-rises, fronted almost entirely in glass, the project will no doubt fit easily into the city skyline. 

Landmark on Robson, urban context view, image by Forum contributor Roundabout

Though while no where near as iconic (if even at all) as its predecessor, "Landmark" on Robson will likely prove an able contribution to the local landscape, its muted style to more or less blend its form into its surroundings. 

SkyriseVancouver will be sure to return to this project as progress continues. For more information, check out the associated Database file and Forum thread, and as always, feel free to join the conversation in the comments section below.