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800 Robson Plaza


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Jul 23, 2007
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800 Robson Plaza upgrades
Construction is underway to transform 800 Robson Street into a permanent, public plaza

Work will be underway until summer 2020. During this time, an accessible pedestrian detour will be effect directing to Georgia Street along the north side of the Vancouver Art Gallery.
Plaza features

Once complete, the new 800 Robson Plaza will feature:
  • A flexible open space for year-round events with moveable seating and tables, additional benches, and lighting
  • A continuous level surface of concrete and pavers to create consistency with the recently renovated šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl'e7énḵ Square (located on the north side of the Vancouver Art Gallery)
  • Pedestrian improvements at the intersection of Hornby and Robson Streets, including better separation for people cycling and driving
  • Improved lighting and power connections
What was the point of all this, really? I preferred it before with the coloured street. The grey looks so empty and lifeless
Event space I'm assuming. The city is really lacking in large programmable spaces that allow for large crowds.

I know that's what it was used for before, but this will formalize it a bit more. I do agree that the grey is a bit boring though.
From Daily Hive: "a public art piece called “Weekend Chime” by artist Brady Cranfield. Speakers installed at the site play the notes based on the chorus of Loverboy’s 1981 song “Working for the Weekend” every Friday at 5 pm — marking the traditional end of the work week."

