Senior Member
The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone 441-475 West 42nd Avenue from RS-1 (One-Family Dwelling) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. The proposal consists of an 18-storey secured market rental residential building with a four-storey podium over one level of underground parking and includes:
- 124 rental units (including 29 below market rental units);
- A rooftop indoor/outdoor amenity space and a children’s play space above the podium;
- A building height of 61.7 m (202.5 ft.);
- A floor area of 12,461 sq. m (134,128 sq. ft.);
- A floor space ratio (FSR) of 6.67; and
- 39 parking spaces and 4 car-share parking spaces; and
- 291 bicycle parking spaces.
- This application is being considered under the Cambie Corridor Plan.